Food Review: Yellow Cab in SM Ecoland

My sisters and I love to eat! It is impossible to not stop to 2-3 cafes or restaurants every time we have a girl’s day out. We do not have lists of restaurants that we want to visit, we just decide right then and there, depending on what suited our palettes that day.

So after a tiring stroll in the mall, our tummies growled to our attention. It was understandable, given that it was 15 minutes past 12 noon. All the restaurants we pass by are either full or we just doesn’t like the taste of its food. So we came across Yellow Cab.

The smell of freshly baked pizza crusts, sauteed garlic and onions and sizzling chicken on a very hot pot, just left us drooling! So we entered, and a nice employee warmly accommodated us, then led us to our table.




We were seated on a comfy cushioned counter-like table. I appreciate Yellow Cab’s interior. It has a feel of a common American B&B but still has a touch of uniqueness and sophistication. The facilities were very clean as well, no stain and stinks are evident so that was a plus.



We ordered Manhattan Meat lovers, Charlie Chan Chicken Pasta, Hot Wings and a Pitcher of Coke. We didn’t wait for our food for long. The food served in our table were as tasty as it were on their menus.



We usually talk as we eat, but that day we were silent on the first moments of our dining. We were contented ravishing the meal in front of us. It was so good! I don’t know if our hunger added to our satisfactory feedback on their food, but I swear I wasn’t exaggerating. We ate a few times in Yellow Cab, but their food is always delectable as ever! Their pizza is everything you would expect on a decent pizza. The meat wasn’t sloggy, it was cooked just right. The crust wasn’t dramatically thick nor overly thin. I do appreciate their hot wings as well. It has a very tasty dip that added to the over-all goodness of the chicken. The chicken was so crispy yet juicy. I just can’t say more to how good they did it. Another thing is the Charlie Chan Chicken Pasta. It is a breath of fresh air for your taste buds. It is like a cross breed of spaghetti and traditional pancit. However, it is not disgusting. In fact, it is very tasty. It is an oriental type of spaghetti. What I like most also was that we didn’t get disappointed with the pitcher of coke. It is really cool and refreshing!

I really enjoyed our dining in Yellow Cab. The service was good, food was great! I would definitely recommend this restaurant to every people I know. It is for family, barkada trip and it can also be a great place for couples as well! 🙂




Here are our satisfied smiles after enjoying the fine meal served by Yellow Cab! 😀